Seminar: Urban Wastewater Treatment: Ready for Zero Pollution?

09.04.2024 09:30 — 09.04.2024 17:15
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia | Sala EC105

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09.04.2024 09:30 09.04.2024 17:15 Seminar: Urban Wastewater Treatment: Ready for Zero Pollution? Link: https:///pt/central-eventos/seminar-urban-wastewater-treatment-ready-zero-pollution

Como Chegar / How to Arrive
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto | Sala EC105

Os desafios e as oportunidades dos tratamentos das águas residuais estarão em debate na Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica, no Porto, no dia 9 de abril. Intitulado “Urban Wastewater Treatment: Ready for Zero Pollution?”, o seminário conta com a presença de investigadores, nacionais e internacionais, e realiza-se no âmbito do projeto “Demonstration of an innovative PLAN-DO toolbox for a safer, resource efficient and fit-for-purpose wastewater treatment – the LIFE Fitting project”. O evento está aberto a toda a comunidade.

Sala EC1O5


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Registration and welcome coffee
Hosts: Ana Margarida Teixeira & Inês Leão (CBQF/UCP)


Welcome and objectives of the seminar
Célia Manaia (CBQF) & Maria João Rosa (LNEC)


Micropollutants and antibiotic resistance in One Health: a look at the role of the environment

Ed Topp (INRAE)


Urban wastewater treatment as a One Health environmental node: looking ahead to the revised EU Directive
Célia Manaia (CBQF) & Maria João Rosa (LNEC)


Coffee break


Looking beyond: Innovation and research
Wastewater quality and impacts (15 min x 4) - Moderator: Rui Viegas (LNEC)

  • Chemical and microbial contaminants in water reuse in agriculture
    (Ed Topp, INRAE)
  • Removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewaters: is the revised European Directive a solution or a headache? (Cristina Matos, REQUIMTE/LAQV)
  • Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in European wastewater treatment plants (Ivone Vaz-Moreira, CBQF)
  • Microplastics as vectors of antibiotic resistance spread: exploring the impact of wastewater discharges (Isabel Henriques, CFE-TERRA)
  • Q&A


Lunch break



Looking beyond: Innovation and research
Wastewater treatment and water reuse: opportunities for improvement
(15 min x 4) - Moderator: Gabriela Faria (TRATAVE)

  • Demonstration of an innovative PLAN-DO toolbox for a safer, resource efficient and flt-for-purpose wastewater treatment – the LIFE Fitting project (Margarida Campinas & Catarina Silva, LNEC)
  • Advanced Treatment Technologies for Wastewater Resources Recovery
    (Vítor Vilar, LSRE-LCM/FEUP)
  • Treatment Technologies for Micropollutants and Pharmaceutical Residues Removal (Fátima Pedroso, AQUAPOR - SAUR GROUP)
  • Green Dune Bioremediation (Nuno Gomes, BLUEMATER)
  • Q&A


Round Table
Urban Wastewater Treatment: ready for zero pollution?
Moderator: Célia Manaia (CBQF) Cláudio Costa (TRATAVE)
Ed Topp (INRAE)
Maria João Rosa (LNEC) Cristina Antão (EQUILIBRIUM)
Fátima Pedroso (AQUAPOR - SAUR GROUP)


Closing session and Farewell Coffee