Investigadora Principal FCT no CEGE e no Instituto de Bioética nomeada Vice-Presidente da European Association for Palliative Care

[English version below]

Sandra Martins Pereira, investigadora principal FCT no CEGE (Centro de Estudos em Gestão e Economia) e no Instituto de Bioética, acaba de ser nomeada como Vice-Presidente da European Association for Palliative Care – EAPC (Associação Europeia de Cuidados Paliativos) para o período compreendido entre 2019 e 2023.

A EAPC é, a nível mundial, a maior associação de cuidados paliativos. Esta associação inclui 60 associações nacionais, três das quais sedeadas na Austrália e 57 em 33 países europeus, tendo ainda sócios individuais provenientes de 52 países. 

Janeiro 2020



Researcher at CEGE and at the Institute of Bioethics is vice-president of the European Association for Palliative Care

Sandra Martins Pereira, FCT Principal Investigator at CEGE (Research Center in Management and Economics) and at the Institute of Bioethics, was recently nominated vice-president of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC).

This election and subsequent nomination constitute a hallmark in the development of palliative care in Portugal. Sandra Martins Pereira is the first Portuguese being elected for the EAPC Board of Directors. This election and her nomination as vice-president have already resulted in two important outcomes, namely: the active involvement of the board of directors in the 10º National Congress and the 1º International Congress of the Portuguese Association for Palliative Care (APCP), to be held in Lisbon, between September 24th and 26th 2020; and the organization of the Autumn 2020 meeting of the EAPC Board of Directors, in Lisbon.

The EAPC is the largest association in the field of palliative care worldwide. It constitutes a forum for those working, or with an interest in palliative care throughout Europe and beyond. The EAPC includes 60 member associations, three from Australia and 57 from 33 European countries and individual members from 52 countries globally.

January 2020


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