8th Global Brand Conference

03.04.2013 15:00
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto | Campus Foz

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03.04.2013 15:00 8th Global Brand Conference Link: https:///pt/node/1164

Como Chegar / How to Arrive
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto | Campus Foz

Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation, and Sustainability | 3-5 April 2013

Of the AM' Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group

The 8th Global Brand Conference focuses on branding, corporate identity and reputation and sustainability. Given the growing need for businesses to move towards a more sustainable business model and consumer demands for sustainable business practices, this year's colloquium would like to stimulate discussion of the role and relationships between branding, corporate identity and reputation, and sustainability. 
The colloquium aims to bring together scholars, researchers and practitioners in a lively debate and exchange of ideas on these topics. 
Regular conference fee: 450 €
AM members fee: 385 €
Doctoral Candidates: 290 €
* All the above charges are inclusive of Conference fee, coffee-breaks, buffet lunch, cocktail on the 3rd of April, dinner on the 4th of April, gala dinner on the 5th of April, ISBN numbered conference abstracts.