ICONE - 5th International Conference on Neuroethics 2019

16.09.2019 09:00 — 17.09.2019 09:00

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16.09.2019 09:00 17.09.2019 09:00 ICONE - 5th International Conference on Neuroethics 2019 Link: https:///pt/node/20507

Como Chegar / How to Arrive
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto


Health Neuroscience: the role of Ethics in the definition of a New Field

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – Lisbon - Portugal

Health neuroscience is a new field that is at the interface of health and neuroscience. A chief goal of health neuroscience is not only to characterize bidirectional and dynamic brain-behaviour and brain-physiology relationships that are determinants, markers, and consequences of physical-health states across the life span. The motivation behind the ICONE is that a better understanding of ethics concerns will provide insights into how the brain links multilevel genetic, biological, psychological, behavioural, social, and environmental factors with physical health - especially vulnerability to and resilience against clinical illnesses. ICONE 5 has the pleasure to host the ENA-NET NEURON Midterm Session, which will bring a special dimension to the event.

More information available here http://www.bioetica.porto.ucp.pt/icone